Wednesday, August 8, 2007


August 6th 2007, fourteen St. Paul youth began a journey into documentary filmmaking, storytelling and critical ideas about truth and reality on T.V.

The concept:
3 weeks
3 documentaries
2 documentary filmmakers
14 young people with a whole lot of opinions, energy and leadership
and a chance to create their own documentary videos.

St. Paul Neighborhood Network and the Connections Program are offering "Real Reality T.V." with documentary filmmakers Jenny Hanson and Joanna Kohler to St. Paul high school students. The project is putting professional cameras into the hands of youth to see what happens when they produce, direct and edit their own documentaries.


Kevin said...

I can't wait to see what lies in store for this awesome new blog!

SPNN Youth said...

whatever for the lies.... you're just jealous!:)